Cherry Glazerr “Stuffed & Ready” to Take Over Gothic

Cherry Glazerr “Stuffed & Ready” to Take Over Gothic

February 24, 2019 Off By Billy Thieme
Cherry Glazerr at the Gothic March 1, 2019
Clementine Creever of Cherry Glazerr will bring her screaming life to the Gothic March 1, 2019 (Photo: Pamela Littky)

Exactly one month to the day since the release of their third full length record, Cherry Glazerr descends upon the Gothic Theatre this Friday night with their intriguing brand of dreamy grunge, angry shoegaze, and noisy rock. Now a three-piece (proof yet again that the perfect rock band is a trio) led by the fantastically named, incredibly cute, and plenty dangerous Clementine Creevy, the band sounds bigger and more ferocious than ever. And with tickets going for $15/$20 – a downright steal – this is a show you shouldn’t miss. Show up early to catch openers The Corner Girls and Palehound for a life-changing Friday night.

With all the fury of L7, the might of Hole, and the loneliness and confusion of Nirvana, Creevy and company have crafted a gungy record in “Stuffed & Ready” (on Secretly Canadian) that won’t go away any time soon. Besides the grit and grunge, though, their sound carries a seriously savvy melodic sensibility, recalling more late-’80s bands like Lush and The Breeders, bringing back a sorely missed emotional dreaminess to indie rock.

Cherry Glazerr are a mashup of grungy L7 and Hole, with dreamy Lush shoegaze

Creevy’s vocals sometimes come eerily close to Miki Berenyi’s smooth, high and dreamy tone, when you almost expect something closer to Best Coast or Alvvays, adding a perfectly balanced dose of shoegaze to the hard rock… (continued below)

Clementine Creevy of Cherry Glazerr (photo: Pamela Littky)
Clementine Creevy of Cherry Glazerr (photo: Pamela Littky)

… (one listen to “That’s Not My Real Life” or “Pieces” and you’ll be in Lush’s haunting world through Creevy’s eyes). Her well-placed guitar riffs also compliment drummer Tabor Allen and bassist Devin O’Brien’s rhythm section with just the right experimentation and Pixies’ style guitar work.

Highlights of the show will doubtless include the disturbingly relevant “Daddi” (see the creepy video below), a meditation on patriarchal oppression that refreshes the questions Gwen Stefani asked nearly 3 decades ago, with awe & gusto. There’s a reason Creevy seethes the lines “Smoking makes me taste like metal/To keep you away.”

Watch Cherry Glazerr’s “Daddi”

I’m looking forward to the psychotic angst behind “Stupid Fish” and “Wasted Nun,” and the despair of “Isolation,” and will hold my breath to hear the brilliant “Grilled Cheese” (off of 2014’s “Haxel Princess”).


  • Billy Thieme

    Aging punk rocker with a deep of all things musical and artistic, enough to remain constantly young and perpetually mystified. Billy has journalistic dreams, but of a decidedly pastoral, Scottish nature.